WVEC Action Alert

Please come to our annual dinner! & please contact legislators!

West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Mar 6, 2015 Viethat w / Comment Online Donate
Please join us for our annual awards dinner/fundraiser TUESDAY, MARCH 10 at 6:00 p.m.   We will enjoy dinner, music and fellowship in a the pleasant surroundings of the Women’s Club, 1600 Virginia Street East, Charleston.  Suggested donation $15.

The House Judiciary Committee is expected to take up S.B. 423, which substantially rolls back last year’s Aboveground Storage Tank Act, on either Saturday, Sunday or Monday.  Please contact members and tell them to please vote against the bill, or if not, to amend it so that water is adequately protected.  Talking points for the latter are in our last action alert here.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to take up H.B. 2283 on Monday.  This is the DEP rules bundle that contains the rule that proposes to restore “Category A” (drinking water) status to the section of the Kanawha River that flows through Charleston.  This designation is necessary before a drinking water intake could be placed on that section of the Kanawha.

Tell committee members to pass this rules bundle without amendment!  For additional information see a previous action alert here.

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