WVEC Action Alert

Oil & Gas Exemption Bill on 2PM Agenda

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Oil & Gas Exemption Bill on 2PM Agenda
Feb 8, 2022 View / Comment Online



From our friends at WV Rivers

With your help during the 2021 Legislative Session, we successfully defeated a bill that attempted to exempt oil and gas tanks from the state’s Aboveground Storage Tank Act. The ASTA is an important piece of legislation unanimously passed in 2014 designed to prevent another water crisis caused by a failed aboveground storage tank.

Now, a number of bills have been introduced to rollback protections of the ASTA. Two if these bills are currently in the House Energy and Manufacturing Committee. Today at 2PM one of the bills, HB 2598, is on the agenda. Contact members of the House Energy Committee today!

We’ve already defeated similar legislation and we’re confident we can do it again with your help! Review our fact sheet on why exempting oil and gas storage tanks is a bad idea and send Delegates a message today!

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