Get up, stand up; don’t give up the fight!

Thank you to everyone who showed up and spoke out yesterday for the Public Hearing and E-day and to everyone who has been making calls and writing letters to stop HB 2506 from moving forward! Over 10,000 phone calls, emails and letters have been made and sent in opposition to this bill that would allow more cancer-causing toxins to be dumped into our water.

Karan Ireland Rally Pic

The fight is heating up! Yesterday, in an unprecedented move, Delegate Mike Pushkin (D – Kanawha, 37) valiantly attempted to kill the bill on its first reading on the House Floor using an obscure procedural move. Although his motion was ultimately thwarted 25 to 72,  we are fired up!

We need your help to keep the momentum growing!

Send a letter to your Delegate, and urge them to vote no on this bill.

answers not cancers

The powerful proponents of this bill continue to call the cancer creek bill a jobs bill, but are unable, and unwilling to demonstrate factual data on any jobs that would be created from this piece of legislation. We need to stand in strong opposition to defeat these special interest groups.

Please continue writing, emailing and calling your Delegates. Now is the time for action!

Together, we stand strong in defense of our water.

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