WVEC Action Alert

Senate President Carmichael and House Speaker Armstead: Consider Recommendations to Protect Public Drinking Water

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Feb 26, 2018 View / Comment Online



WVEC is passing on this alert from WV Rivers

Senate President Carmichael and House Speaker Armstead: Consider Recommendations to Protect Public Drinking Water

In January, West Virginia Rivers and partners delivered a letter to Senate President Carmichael and House Speaker Armstead requesting that the 2017 recommendations of the Public Water System Supply Study Commission (PWSSSC) be considered by members of the Legislature.

West Virginia Rivers Coalition serves on the PWSSSC, which was formed in the wake of the 2014 Freedom Industries chemical leak into the Elk River. The Commission provides yearly recommendations to improve the safety and security of West Virginia’s public drinking water supplies. Among the recommendations prepared for the 2018 Legislature are improvements to the state Spill Reporting Hotline and increased notifications to downstream public water systems of threats to drinking water quality.

Help make sure the important recommendations of the PWSSSC are heard by the West Virginia Legislature! Please send a letter to Senate President Mitch Carmichael, and House Speaker Tim Armstead, requesting that the 2017 recommendations of the PWSSSC are given full discussion and consideration.

Senate President Mitch Carmichael
West Virginia Legislature
Email:  mitch.carmichael@wvsenate.gov

House Speaker Tim Armstead
West Virginia Legislature
Email:  armstead@wvhouse.gov

Or click here to use WV Rivers system to send letters.


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