WVEC Action Alert

Come to the stream protection hearing September 17

West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Sep 16, 2015 View / Comment Online Donate
Hi to all those who care about West Virginia’s streams

Over the past two weeks, OSM has held hearings in Lexington, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Denver on the draft stream protection rule that will help protect our most valuable natural resource: water. As a Sierra Club representative, I personally attended the Lexington and St. Louis hearings and can say that people are being heard when they step up and say that clean water is vital to our economy and our lives. The number of speakers in support of the rule has increased at each hearing. In St. Louis citizens matched the number of industry executives and polluter allied politicians. It’s great to see the increased momentum as the series of hearings continues.

We are not done yet! On Thursday, September 17th the hearing will be held at the Charleston Civic Center. This is the final hearing in the series and we should make it the best. I’d love to see you there supporting clean safe water and letting the Office of Surface Mining know that we support the efforts to protect our streams.

The hearing begins at 5pm. You are welcome to attend our pre-hearing event at the Holiday Inn Express across the street beginning at 3pm. We will have some food, be able to prepare our comments and find out more about the hearings.

Thank you!

Bill Price, President West Virginia Environmental Council

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