WV Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee

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Phone and email for calling members or individual email contact: (Click here or scroll down for a list of email addresses that can be copied and pasted all at once)

Senate Energy, Industry and Mining
Barrett, Jason 16 - Rjason.barrett@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7933
Boley, Donna J.03 - Rdonna.boley@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7905
Caputo, Mike 13 - Dmike.caputo@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7961
Karnes, Robert 11 - Rrobert.karnes@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7973
Martin, Patrick 12 - Rpatrick.martin@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7845
Nelson, Eric 17 - Reric.nelson@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7854
Oliverio, Mike 13 - Rmike.oliverio@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7919
Phillips, Rupie 07 - Rrupie.phillips@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7857
Queen, Ben 12 - Rben.queen@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7904
Smith, Randy 14 - Rrandy.smith@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7995
Stover, David 09 - Rdavid.stover@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7807
Stuart, Mike 07 - Rmike.stuart@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7939
Swope, Chandler 06 - Rchandler.swope@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7843
Taylor, Jay 14 - Rjay.taylor@wvsenate.gov(304) 357-7914


Email addresses – Triple click on the list below to select all emails, then copy and paste into ‘To’ field to send a personal email to all committee members: (Click here or scroll up for district, phone & email of each member)

jason.barrett@wvsenate.gov, donna.boley@wvsenate.gov, mike.caputo@wvsenate.gov, robert.karnes@wvsenate.gov, patrick.martin@wvsenate.gov, eric.nelson@wvsenate.gov, mike.oliverio@wvsenate.gov, rupie.phillips@wvsenate.gov, ben.queen@wvsenate.gov, randy.smith@wvsenate.gov, david.stover@wvsenate.gov, mike.stuart@wvsenate.gov, chandler.swope@wvsenate.gov, jay.taylor@wvsenate.gov