WV House Health and Human Resources

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House Health and Human Resources
Barnhart, Trenton 009 - Rtrenton.barnhart@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3195
Cannon, Jarred 021 - Rjarred.cannon@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3255
Cooper, Roy 040 - Rroy.cooper@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3119
Dittman, Lori 063 - Rlori.dittman@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3142
Foggin, Dave 014 - Rdave.foggin@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3136
Forsht, Don 091 - Rdon.forsht@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3147
Griffith, Ric 027 - Dric.griffith@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3355
Hamilton, Anitra 081 - Danitra.hamilton@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3900
Hardy, John 097 - Rjohn.hardy@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3230
Heckert, Scot 013 - Rscot.heckert@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3394
Hite, Michael 092 - Rmichael.hite@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3188
Jeffries, Dean 061 - Rdean.jeffries@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3149
Jennings, D. Rolland084 - Rbuck.jennings@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3396
Kelly, David 008 - Rdavid.kelly@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3226
Miller, George 090 - Rgeorge.miller@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3177
Petitto, Mickey 070 - Rmickey.petitto@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3171
Pushkin, Mike 054 - Dmike.pushkin@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3106
Rohrbach, Matthew 026 - Rmatthew.rohrbach@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3221
Shamblin, Andy 059 - Randy.shamblin@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3392
Sheedy, Charles 007 - Rcharles.sheedy@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3111
Summers, Amy 073 - Ramy.summers@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3269
Toney, Christopher W.043 - Rchris.toney@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3265
Tully, Heather 049 - Rheather.tully@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3269
Westfall, Steve 016 - Rsteve.westfall@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3140
Winzenreid, Diana 004 - Rdiana.winzenreid@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3378


Email addresses – Triple click on the list below to select all emails, then copy and paste into β€˜To’ field to send a personal email to all committee members: (Click here or scroll up for district, phone & email of each member)

trenton.barnhart@wvhouse.gov, jarred.cannon@wvhouse.gov, roy.cooper@wvhouse.gov, lori.dittman@wvhouse.gov, dave.foggin@wvhouse.gov, don.forsht@wvhouse.gov, ric.griffith@wvhouse.gov, anitra.hamilton@wvhouse.gov, john.hardy@wvhouse.gov, scot.heckert@wvhouse.gov, michael.hite@wvhouse.gov, dean.jeffries@wvhouse.gov, buck.jennings@wvhouse.gov, david.kelly@wvhouse.gov, george.miller@wvhouse.gov, mickey.petitto@wvhouse.gov, mike.pushkin@wvhouse.gov, matthew.rohrbach@wvhouse.gov, andy.shamblin@wvhouse.gov, charles.sheedy@wvhouse.gov, amy.summers@wvhouse.gov, chris.toney@wvhouse.gov, heather.tully@wvhouse.gov, steve.westfall@wvhouse.gov, diana.winzenreid@wvhouse.gov