WV House Finance Committee

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House Finance
Anderson, William 010 - Rbill.anderson@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3101
Barnhart, Trenton 009 - Rtrenton.barnhart@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3195
Cannon, Jarred 021 - Rjarred.cannon@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3324
Canterbury, Ray 047 - Rray.canterbury@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3129
Cooper, Roy 040 - Rroy.cooper@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3119
Criss, Vernon 012 - Rvernon.criss@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3230
Dittman, Lori 063 - Rlori.dittman@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3142
Ellington, Joe 038 - Rjoe.ellington@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3265
Fehrenbacher, Bob 011 - Rbob.fehrenbacher@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3137
Gearheart, Marty 037 - Rmarty.gearheart@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3179
Hall, Walter 058 - Rwalter.hall@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3181
Hite, Michael 092 - Rmichael.hite@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3269
Hornbuckle, Sean 025 - Dsean.hornbuckle@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3395
Horst, Chuck 095 - Rcharles.horst@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3148
Hott, John Paul085 - Rjohnpaul.hott@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3399
Howell, Gary G.087 - Rgary.howell@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3191
Jeffries, Dean 061 - Rdean.jeffries@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3149
Linville, Daniel 022 - Rdaniel.linville@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3277
Mazzocchi, Margitta 031 - Rmargitta.mazzocchi@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3174
Riley, Clay 072 - Rclay.riley@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3144
Rohrbach, Matthew 026 - Rmatthew.rohrbach@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3221
Statler, Joe 077 - Rjoe.statler@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3265
Toney, Christopher W.043 - Rchris.toney@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3265
Williams, John 080 - Djohn.williams@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3173
Worrell, Evan 023 - Revan.worrell@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3269


Email addresses – Triple click on the list below to select all emails, then copy and paste into β€˜To’ field to send a personal email to all committee members: (Click here or scroll up for district, phone & email of each member)

bill.anderson@wvhouse.gov, trenton.barnhart@wvhouse.gov, jarred.cannon@wvhouse.gov, ray.canterbury@wvhouse.gov, roy.cooper@wvhouse.gov, vernon.criss@wvhouse.gov, lori.dittman@wvhouse.gov, joe.ellington@wvhouse.gov, bob.fehrenbacher@wvhouse.gov, marty.gearheart@wvhouse.gov, walter.hall@wvhouse.gov, michael.hite@wvhouse.gov, sean.hornbuckle@wvhouse.gov, charles.horst@wvhouse.gov, johnpaul.hott@wvhouse.gov, gary.howell@wvhouse.gov, dean.jeffries@wvhouse.gov, daniel.linville@wvhouse.gov, margitta.mazzocchi@wvhouse.gov, clay.riley@wvhouse.gov, matthew.rohrbach@wvhouse.gov, joe.statler@wvhouse.gov, chris.toney@wvhouse.gov, john.williams@wvhouse.gov, evan.worrell@wvhouse.gov