WVEC Action Alert

Urgent Action Needed: Protect Cacapon Park (Cancelled)

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Urgent Action Needed: Protect Cacapon Park (Cancelled)
Apr 14, 2023 View / Comment Online



From our partners at West Virginia Rivers Coalition

The State Park system is currently considering proposals to bring mega RV parks and private club facilities to Cacapon Resort State Park. These plans would bring 50 to 350 RV slots to mountainsides in the Park and will create high-end amenities not accessible to regular park visitors. You can read the proposals in full here.

These plans will result in substantial earth disturbance with the permanent clearing of the Park’s steep slopes and forested areas. The proposal would potentially exceed the wastewater treatment capacity of the Park; clog the narrow roads of the Park with hundreds of RVs and their noise and pollution; and negatively impact Indian Run in the Park, a tributary of Sleepy Creek Watershed.

The proposed amenities take recreation areas away from park users; and include proposals to place synthetic materials over a substantial part of a mountainside to permit year-round ‘snow flex’ activities.

This massive RV park and these types of private amenities are not compatible with the unique conditions of Cacapon and what we expect at WV State Parks.

Take action TODAY, contact the decision makers regarding this State Park project and tell them, “Reject the current proposals for Cacapon Resort State Park!” 

These proposals are bad for Cacapon Park – let them know that any new camping plans for Cacapon should be logistically and financially feasible! One click, and you tell four agencies NO! Take action!

If you live near Cacapon State Resort Park, please attend the public hearing on Tuesday, April 18, at 5:00 PM in the Washington Fairfax Room at Cacapon State Park Lodge. You will have an opportunity to make a brief, 2-3 minute comment stating some of these concerns or others of your own. Even your presence, though, shows how much you care! There is a Facebook event here.

Say NO to massive Cacapon development!

WVEC’s next newsletter comes out in May. In the meantime, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay informed! 

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GREEN, Volume 33 Issue 10
Updated: April 18, 2023 — 12:09 pm


Add a Comment
  1. This project sounds like a bad idea that will damage the ecosystem of the park

  2. Private developments such as this one needs to be on private land, not public land. State parks need to be kept as natural environments. This development seems to go against mission statement of our state parks.

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