WVEC Action Alert

Take this quick action by Mon, 11/14 @ 4pm to request a public hearing on the Union Carbide-Institute Ethylene Oxide permit renewal!

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Take this quick action by Mon, 11/14 @ 4pm to request a public hearing on the Union Carbide-Institute Ethylene Oxide permit renewal!
Nov 11, 2022 View / Comment Online



Please take this quick action by Monday, November 14th at 4pm (Eastern) to send a letter to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to request a public hearing on the Union Carbide-Institute Ethylene Oxide permit renewal.


Ethylene oxide (EtO) is a cancer-causing chemical that has also been shown to have reproductive effects. It has been used in the Kanawha Valley since the 1920s. Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) realized that EtO is much more cancer-causing than they previously realized.

The Union Carbide facility in Institute, WV is currently requesting that the DEP renew their air permit (called the Title V permit) that allows them to emit EtO into the air. Recent air samples of the chemical taken by the DEP at the fenceline of the Institute and South Charleston Carbide facilities confirm that the amounts of EtO being emitted from these facilities are much higher than what the EPA thinks is an acceptable cancer risk, but they are permitted to emit even more!

Please sign on to this letter to tell the DEP that they must hold a public hearing to hear from the people affected as they consider renewing the Union Carbide Institute’s plant permit.

Anyone who lives, works, studies, plays, prays in and around and travels through the Institute community may be exposed to this carcinogenic chemical. Take this action because you are affected or as a show of solidarity for the West Virginia communities affected.

How do I take action?

The easiest way to take action is by clicking here to email the DEP (it’ll only take 1 minute! But we encourage you to personalize your message by including why this is important to you.) Otherwise, here (and attached) is a sample letter you can use to send your own request.

  • Send your own email to W.Carney@wv.gov
  • Mail in or drop off your written request at this address:

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Attn: Jonathan Carney
Division of Air Quality
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304

NOTE: The DEP must receive the written request by November 14th at 5pm (Eastern), so we suggest sending it a little early to make sure it arrives on time.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Maya Nye, People Concerned About Chemical Safety at 304-389-6859 (call/text).

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Updated: November 11, 2022 — 1:53 pm

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