WVEC Action Alert

Support Community Solar

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Support Community Solar
Oct 24, 2022 View / Comment Online



Currently, many West Virginians want to go solar, but can’t due to shaded roofs, lack of homeownership, cost, etc. Community solar makes it possible for anyone with an electricity bill to save with solar and gives folks the freedom to choose where their energy comes from. But unfortunately, these programs are not legal in West Virginia—yet!  

In anticipation of the upcoming legislative session Solar United Neighbors and the West Virginians for Energy Freedom are seeking solar supporters who are willing to meet with their representatives to advocate for legalizing community solar here in West Virginia.

If you’re interested in joining this effort to legalize community solar programs in West Virginia, please email lbarbor@solarunitedneighbors.org to set up a meeting with your legislator!

Take action and sign the petition to show your support for community solar! 

Learn more about community solar here.


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