Summary of bills followed by WVEC

Bills Passed

HB2661: Relating to natural gas utilities (vetoed 3/27/19)

HB2673: Creating the Oil and Gas Abandoned Well Plugging Fund (vetoed 3/27/19)

HB3142:  Relating to reducing the severance tax on thermal or steam coal. (signed by Gov 3/28/19)

HB3144: North Central Appalachian Coal Severance Tax Rebate Act. (signed by Gov 3/27/19)

SB163: Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rules. (signed 3/26/19)

SB491: Extending effective date for voter registration in conjunction with driver licensing. (signed 3/25/19)

SB404: Relating generally to sediment control during commercial timber harvesting operations (signed 3/25/19)

SB622: Relating generally to regulation and control of financing elections. (signed 3/27/19)

SB635: Relating generally to coal mining activities (signed by Gov 3/27/19)

SB676. Relating to off-road vehicle recreation (Vetoed 3/27/19)

SB147: Shifting funding from Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities. (vetoed 3/27/19)

Bills Not Passed

HB2779: Providing that proceeds from certain oil and gas wells to persons whose name or address are unknown are to be kept in a special fund.- Rejected by Senate

SB236: Providing notice of eligibility to persons to vote after completion of punishment or pardon. –Passed Senate – Died in House

SB266: Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals and WV Appellate Review Organization Act of 2019. –Passed Senate – Died in House

SB415: Creating Timber Cotenancy Modernization and Majority Protection Act and Unknown and Unlocated Timber Interest Owners Act. – Passed Senate – Died in House

SB665: Allowing for expedited oil and gas well permitting – Passed House – Died in Senate.

SCR 39: Creating the Joint Select Committee on Water Quality Standards – Passed Senate – Died in House

Bills that Didn’t Get on Committee Agenda

SB 409: Permitting third-party ownership and sale of electricity generated by small scale renewable energy generating facilities-  (This was our Power Purchase Agreement PPA bill.)

By using the bill numbers, the text of individual bills can be found here.

Updated: April 10, 2019 — 9:15 am

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