WVEC Action Alert

Let Senator Manchin Know You Support The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Jul 29, 2022 View / Comment Online



This week, Senator Manchin announced his support for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 which includes investments in climate, infrastructure, jobs and healthcare. We expect a vote next week and Senator Manchin needs to know his constituents support his vote! Call today to let him know what climate investments for West Virginia means to you! 

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  1. I do NOT support this bill. If it’s better than nothing, it’s for the social spending provisions, and even there–it’s a mark of how tame US citizens are that we’re applauding a provision to ALLOW Medicare to negotiate the prices of a limited number of drugs. We should be demanding the nationalization of drug and medical companies, a nationalized system such as has been amply proven to be much cheaper and more effective than our terrible, inefficient, over-complex, profit-obsessed system.
    As for the climate provisions, this bill mandates drilling permits in federal lands and offshore and while it gives subsidies to renewables, it also says the government isn’t allowed to permit any unless it has had a fossil fuel lease sale within six months. Reality: renewables don’t need subsidies, they’re already cheaper than fossil fuels most everywhere, and much cheaper than nukes (also heavily subsidized in this bill, along with such false solutions as CCS and hydrogen). What is needed is to REMOVE subsidies from fossil fuels and nukes–this bill actually adds to these subsidies. Seems to me the attitude that “we must be realistic, we must take what we can get” leads directly to endorsing something that’s arguably worse than nothing. Which IS the best we’ll get from this government, which is why we should be talking about more realistic approaches to making change than electoral politics and lobbying.

    1. Mary has got it right and the only problems I see in our near future after getting through the midterm elections is Manchin and synema, both need to be removed during the midterm elections so that they can’t stab us in the back’s again. We obviously need to remove Schumer and o’biden migrant joe along with the other demoncrats, but that might take until 2024 !! Meanwhile we need to find a way to stop this rediculous amount of spending that the demoncrats are doing otherwise we are going to be speaking another language real soon !!!

    2. Absolutely!! I couldn’t of said it better. Your right on point. I can only say I wish someone would put a full page in all the nationwide daily newspapers and put down exactly what you so superbly explain. Thank you

  2. I totally agree with you! I just don’t know if this country will go on another two years with Biden in office

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