Important Public Hearings and Comment Periods for DEP Rules

West Virginia Environmental Council Action Alert
June 25, 2013

Important Public Hearings and Comment Periods for DEP Rules

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has scheduled public hearings and public comment periods for its 2014 proposed legislative rules changes. DEP is proposing major changes this year to the Water Quality Standards rule; to the rule for Individual Certification of Activities Requiring a Federal Permit; to the rule for Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment; and to seven air quality rules.

DEP’s legislative rules are important because they determine how the agency implements the state’s environmental laws. Copies of the proposed rules are available at the DEP web site at We encourage you to read the proposed rule changes, and attend the public hearings and file written comments, as you feel appropriate.

Division of Water and Waste Management

47CSR2 – The Water Quality Standards Rule. The public hearing for this rule is July 15. However, the comment period for the rule ends July 29, 2013.

47CSR5A – Rules for Individual Certification of Activities Requiring a Federal Permit. The public hearing for this rule is July 15, and the comment period for this rule will end at the conclusion of the hearing.

For more information on the Water and Waste Management Rules call 304-926-0495.

Division of Land Restoration

60CSR30 – Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Rule. The public hearing for this rule is also July 15, and the comment period for this rule will end at the conclusion of the hearing

For more information on the Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment rule call 304-926-0455.

The public hearings for the three rules listed above will begin at 6 p.m., Monday, July 15 and will take place in the Coopers Rock Training Room at DEP’s Charleston headquarters, 601 57th Street S.E., Charleston, WV 25304.

Division of Air Quality

45CSR8 – Ambient Air Quality Standards
45CSR14 – Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources for
the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality
45CSR16 – Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources
45CSR18 – Control of Air Pollution from Combustion of Solid Waste
45CSR19 – Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources
Which Cause or Contribute to Nonattainment Areas
45CSR25 – Control of Air Pollution from Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal
45CSR34 – Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

The public hearing for all air quality rules will take place beginning at 6 p.m. on July 8, 2013 in the Dolly Sods Conference DEP’s Charleston headquarters, 601 57th Street S.E., Charleston, WV 25304. The comment period will end at the conclusion of the public hearing.

For more information on any of the DAQ rules call 304-926-0475.

Written comments on all the DEP rules may be submitted to the Public Information Office at the above address. Comments may also be e-mailed to .

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Updated: November 27, 2014 — 8:33 pm

1 Comment

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  1. Please know there is one more Upshur Cty citizen that is alarmed an concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed ACP.

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