WVEC Action Alert

House Judiciary to Consider Water Quality Standards

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Feb 17, 2021 View / Comment Online



From our friends at WV Rivers

Legislators will soon be voting on a proposal submitted by WVDEP related to a critical portion of West Virginia’s water quality standards called human health criteria. Human health criteria determines how much of a toxin can be in our water before it harms our health. Let Legislators know that you oppose any weakening of water quality standards!

Sadly, the proposal before the legislature allows for more chemical toxins in our water. Public health experts agree that any additional exposure to the toxic chemicals regulated by human health criteria would pose increased risks to our health. In a state with the 3rd highest cancer death rate in the nation, do we really want to take that risk?

The water quality standards rule’s first stop as it works its way through the legislature is the House Judiciary CommitteeContact members of the committee today and ask them to make public health their #1 priority and reject any change that would weaken our water quality standards.

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