GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 3

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
GREEN Legislative Update
GREEN, Volume 34 Issue 3
Jan 26, 2024 View / Comment Online



Welcome back to the WVEC’s weekly newsletter! Wrapping up all the latest action, we have our Weekly Round-Up on the bills we are tracking and easy actions you can take today!

Thank you to everyone who joined us last night for Helping Hour with Robin Godfrey, Paul Epstein and special guest, our very own Lucia Valentine, who performed Country Roads.

We also celebrated Norm Steenstra, Jr, a founder of West Virginia’s environmental movement, who passed away last week.

Norm Steenstra is the reason the WVEC was born in 1989. In the midst of the Garbage Wars and other environmental attacks, Norm put together this coalition of environmental groups from all corners of the state so West Virginians, those of us who care about clean water to drink and clean air to breathe, could also be represented at the Capitol by a team of lobbyists. As he always said, imagine what would happen at the Capitol if we weren’t there. Some of the advice he gave was too colorful for the printed media, but his leadership was inspiring, calculated, brilliant, and always humorous. We are so happy he got to see his continued legacy in the WVEC as we celebrate our 35th year. Godspeed, Norm.

Taking Norm’s advice to heart, we urge everyone who cares about protecting our environment to make their voices heard! You can get involved in several ways in the coming weeks, including The Save Our Solar Rally this Saturday, January 27, please register here! See other ways you can get involved in our events article below.

As always, thank you for your support and for being a part of this community. Please consider a donation to support our lobby team  during this critical time or update your membership today.

Click an article title or thumbnail image to read the full article (text below is only an excerpt).

WVEC Weekly Round-Up
SB 532 - The Orphaned Well prevention Act, Net Metering - PSC Rate Case Public Hearing | SB 171 - Prohibiting county commissions from adopting authorization that exceeds state law regarding agriculture operations | HB 5018 - To provide for the Department of Environmental Protection oversight and authority governing community air monitoring programs.  | HB 5018 - To provide for the Department of Environmental Protection oversight and authority governing community air monitoring programs.  | Community Solar 
Tagged: Community solarDEPNet meteringOrphaned wells
Register today for Save Our Solar, Black Policy Day and Other Events!
Save Our Solar Rally, Saturday, Jan. 27 at 2 pm
Eastern Panhandle Green Coalition (EPGC) Movie Night
Lobby Training for West Virginians
Mountain Valley Watch + WV Rivers’ Volunteer Appreciation Day
E-Day Advocacy Webinar: Bills and Talking Points
Black Policy Day at the State Capitol
Environmental Day at the WV State Capitol

Tagged: EdayEventSocial justiceSolar power
You’re Invited to our Advocacy Webinar on February 6th!
Join WVEC lobbyists Lucia Valentine and Isabel Stellato on Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7 pm for a free webinar to get up-to-date information on bills we are tracking and talking points for meeting with key legislators during the legislative session. 
Tagged: EdayLegislation
2024 Session Resources
We look forward to bringing you the session news every week, and you can also follow us for daily updates on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, plus other important resources.
Tagged: Legislation

Check out our calendar for upcoming events and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay informed!


Updated: January 26, 2024 — 5:15 pm

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