WV Rivers to Host Climate and Water Webinar Series

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council

May 16, 2020 View / Comment Online



WVEC is passing along this announcement from WV RIvers

West Virginians are seeing the effects of the changing climate and researchers across the state are studying what it means for West Virginia. Over the next few weeks, WV Rivers will be highlighting these scientists and their research through our virtual Climate and Water Lunch & Learn Series. During the live webinars, you’ll learn first-hand from the researchers on the front line of the climate crisis.

Register for the Webinars:

May 22, 11:00am. Dr. Nathaniel Hitt is a fish biologist with the USGS Leetown Science Center in Kearneysville WV. He will discuss his research on population and community ecology in Appalachia. Register here.

May 29, 11:00am. Dr. Omar Abdul-Aziz is an Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at West Virginia University. He will discuss his work on climate impacts, increasing hurricanes and storms, and freshwater flooding in the coastal areas. Register here.

June 5, 11:00am. Dr. Nicolas Zégre is the Director of the Mountain Hydrology Laboratory at West Virginia University. He’ll be sharing his research on water security and climate change from a West Virginia perspective. Register here.

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