WVEC Action Alert

Take Action This Month!

West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Jan 7, 2015 View this Alert Online Donate
advocates for safe waterThis month marks one year after the chemical leak and water crisis. Much work is ongoing to fix the problems that led to the crisis – from efforts to ensure that aboveground storage tanks are properly regulated, to advocacy for improved chemical safety in the Kanawha Valley, to Advocates for a Safe Water System’s work to improve the safety of our water system. Below is a calendar of events for January 2015, including Advocates for a Safe Water System’s leadership training on January 17th. Please join us for these events to get involved in making sure that last year’s water crisis never happens again.
January 9: Chemical Leak Anniversary Commemorative Events

3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Citizen Education Workshops at the Culture Center on the WV State Capitol Grounds. Get the latest updates on current water issues and how you can be involved.
6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Honoring the Waters one-year anniversary candlelight vigil at the Kanawha River in front of the Capitol to mark the one-year anniversary of the MCHM chemical contamination of the drinking water of more than 300,000 West Virginians.
7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Reception and screening of Elk River Blues at the WV Culture Center Theater. This locally produced documentary film features West Virginians’ response to systemic failures that continue to threaten our water.
See Facebook event for more info.

January 17: Safe Water System Leadership Training

St. Marks United Methodist Church (900 Washington St. E, Charleston), 9am-1pm(lunch served)
Advocates for a Safe Water System will be hosting a leadership training to give you the knowledge and skills you need to become an advocate for an improved water system in the Kanawha Valley. Register here.

January 17: March and Rally for Clean Water Statewide

WV State Capitol steps (Kanawha Blvd side), 2pm
Statewide, threats to our clean water are increasing. Come learn about the threats and what you can do to take a stand for clean water!

January 17: After-rally dinner & fundraiser

Fireside Grill (upstairs from Little India, W. Washington), 5-8 pm
Come eat, drink, socialize, and participate in an open mic to speak your mind or sing your song after the Rally! A $15 minimum contribution is requested for dinner. Sponsored by AWARE: Artists Working in Alliance to Restore the Environment. Proceeds to the WV Water Roundtable.

January 23-24: Looking Forward – Summit on Chemical Safety in West Virginia

Participate in conversations about local chemical safety; Learn about successful models implemented in other states and solutions that address disproportionate impacts of chemical releases on communities of color and low-income communities. Be a part of local solutions to prevent water contamination. Sponsored by People Concerned About Chemical Safety with support from Appalachian Stewardship Foundation and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Register here.

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Updated: January 8, 2015 — 3:19 pm

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