WVEC Action Alert

Public Lands Privatization Bill on Senate Committee Agenda, TODAY at 3PM

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Public Lands Privatization Bill on Senate Committee Agenda
Mar 8, 2022 View / Comment Online



From our partners at WV Rivers Coalition

A bill, HB 4408, is moving through the Legislature that expands and extends private leasing in all state parks and forests. Read our fact sheet.

What does this mean?

Private developers could build casinos, racetracks, amusement parks, ATV trails or similar developments on our state’s public lands.

These developments would forever change the nature of our cherished state public lands.

Right now, West Virginia has 35 state parks and 9 state forests. Private leasing is limited to 6 state parks (Chief Logan, Beech Fork, Tomlinson Run, Stonewall Jackson, Lost River, and Canaan Valley Resort).

HB 4408 expands private leasing to ALL state parks and forests and the lease terms could be 50 years. That’s five times more than the current 10-year initial lease term. Furthermore, there are no provisions for assessing the economic and environmental impacts of these new 50 year projects.

HB 4408 has passed out of the House of Delegates and is now in the Senate Finance Committee. Contact committee members today!

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