WVEC Action Alert

Breaking News: Legislation Requires Immediate Authorization of Mountain Valley Pipeline

West Virginia Environmental Council
West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Breaking News: Legislation Requires Immediate Authorization of Mountain Valley Pipeline
Sep 23, 2022 View / Comment Online



From our partners at WV Rivers Coalition 

West Virginia is once again at the center of debate in Congress. Yesterday, legislation was released that changes how energy projects are handled by federal agencies and requires the immediate approval of construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline with no judicial review as part of a spending bill that Congress must pass by September 30, or the federal government will shut down. 

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2022, summarized here, would change the review process of massive energy projects like pipelines and mines. Our initial review of the bill text finds that these changes would limit how organizations like WV Rivers, and citizens like you, make sure environmental impacts of such projects are minimized. Read WV Rivers Statement on the Act.

However, it’s the final section of the Act that is the most alarming through its required authorization of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Starting on page 86 it reads


PURPOSE. —The purpose of this section is to require the appropriate Federal officers and agencies to take all necessary actions to permit the timely completion of the construction and operation of the Mountain Valley Pipeline without further administrative or judicial delay or impediment.

No project should be exempt from thorough science-based analysis, public input, and judicial review under cornerstone laws like the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, which the MVP has a long history of violating.

We’re calling on Congressional leadership to put a stop to this reckless and unfair legislation. Send a message to Congress NOW! Let them know that fast-tracking the Mountain Valley Pipeline would deprive West Virginians of the right to fair and equal treatment under federal law. 

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