WVEC Action Alert

An Email from You Makes a Difference for Our Water

West Virginia Environmental Council
Action Alert
Jul 29, 2015 View / Comment Online Donate
This alert is from our friends at WV Rivers Coalition:There are two important water-related rules the public is asked to comment on this week. Please take a few minutes today to lend your voice for clean water!Tank RuleThis proposed rule governs the registration, standards, and inspections of Aboveground Storage Tanks. Click here for our fact sheet.

What you can do:

  • Attend the public hearing on Thursday, July 30 at 6 p.m. at the WVDEP Headquarters, located at 601 57th Street, SE, Charleston.
  • Email comments by 6 p.m. Thursday, July 30 to dep.comments@wv.gov. Put Aboveground Storage Tank Comments in the subject line.

Tell WVDEP you want your water supply protected through strong regulations of aboveground storage tanks and that you want the rule to:

  1. Not weaken standards for tanks or relax timelines for enforcement;
  2. Provide an opportunity for public notice and comment on amendments to permits and plans before a tank is excused from the Act’s requirements;
  3. Establish registration fees that adequately fund and staff the program; and
  4. Increase bond amounts so that they cover potential liability of a tank failure.

Water Quality Standards Rule

Our State Water Quality Standards set limits for the amount of pollution allowed in our streams. This proposed rule weakens standards for two toxic pollutants: selenium and aluminum.

What you can do:

Email comments by 9 a.m. Friday, July 31 to dep.comments@wv.gov. Put Water Quality Standards Comments in the subject line.

Tell WVDEP that you:

  1. Oppose the proposed emergency rule that significantly weakens the aluminum criteria; there is no emergency and not enough scientific data to support the change.
  2. Oppose the proposed revision to the selenium standard that presents serious challenges to its implementation and enforcement.

Click here for more ideas on talking points.

Thank you for joining us in speaking up for our rivers!

For more information contact West Virginia Rivers Coalition
www.wvrivers.org – (304) 637-7201 –  wvrivers@wvrivers.org.

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