History Archive

A Few Proud Accomplishments

Legislative Accomplishments:
Green Buildings Act . . . 2012
Increasing the Special Reclamation Tax on Coal . . . 2012
Limiting Restrictions Against Solar Panel Installation . . . 2012
Upgrading Chesapeake Bay Wastewater Treatment Plants . . . 2011
Horizontal Well Control Act . . . 2011 Special Session
PSC Rules On High Voltage Transmission Lines . . . 2010
DEP Oil and Gas Well Drilling Rule . . . 2010
Supreme Court Public Financing Pilot Project Act . . . 2010
Prohibiting Disposal of Electronic Devices in Landfills . . . 2010
Solar Energy Tax Credit . . . 2009
Requiring State Fire Commission Update State Building Code . . . 2009
Antidegradation Implementation Rule (Water Quality) . . . 2008
Amendments to Water Resources Protection Act (Water Quantity) . . . 2008
DNR Rules on Drilling in State Forests . . . 2008
Introduced SB 588 to Outlaw “Valley Fills” . . . 2008
Voluntary Rural and Outdoor Heritage Conservation Act . . . 2008
SCR 15, WVEC Requiring DEP and DHHR Study Coal Slurry Injection . . . 2007
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Bill . . . 2007
Protections in State Forests from Oil and Gas Drilling . . . 2007
Amended Mercury Air Rule to Require DEP/DHHR Study . . . 2006
Introduced “Public Health Impact Assessments” Bill . . . 2006 – 2012
Introduced Sludge Safety Bill . . . 2006
Water Resources Protection Act (Water Quantity) . . . 2004
“Turn It Off” School Bus Idling Bill . . . 2003
Industrial Hemp Bill . . . 2002
Farmland Preservation Funding . . . 2002
Anti-Litter Bill . . . 2001
Quarrying Regulations . . . 2000
Kanawha State Forest Bill . . . 2000
Farmland Preservation Act . . . 2000
Banning Nuclear Power Plants . . . 1996
Campaign Finance Reform . . . 1995
School Pesticide Act . . . 1995
Permanent Non-game Program Funding . . . 1995
Creation of DEP Environmental Advocate . . . 1994
Interim Non-game, Natural Heritage Funding . . . 1994/95/96
Off-Road Vehicles Regulation . . . 1993/94
“Cancer Creek” Dioxin Standards . . . 1993/94
Sewage Sludge Regulation . . . 1993
Banning Commercial Solid Waste Incineration . . . 1993
Hazardous Waste Siting Law . . . 1992
Rails-to-Trails Enabling Law . . . 1992
Groundwater Protection Act . . . 1991
BRC Nuclear Waste Ban . . . 1991
Banning Commercial Medical Waste Incineration . . . 1991
Comprehensive Solid Waste Act . . . 1991
Referendum on Class A Landfill Sitings . . . 1990

Some of the Bad Legislation We Have Helped Stop:

Stopped AEP Debt Relief Bonds from Applying to Future Debt . . . 2012
Stopped Repeal of WV Nuclear Power Ban . . . 2009/10
Stopped Bill Limiting Land Development Ordinances . . . 2009/10
Stopped Transmission Line Tax . . . 2009
Stopped Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act . . . 2009
Stopped Transmission Line Tax . . . 2009
Stopped “Anti-Wilderness” Resolutions . . . 2005/06/07
Stopped Coal Industry “Valley Fill” Bill . . . 2004/05/06
Stopped “Flood Thy Neighbor” Dredging Bill . . . 1996/97/2003
Stopped Self-Audit Privilege (“Dirty Secrets”) . . . 1995/96/97

Some of the Bad Projects We Have Helped Defeat:
McDowell County Mega Landfill . . . 1993/2008
PATH Transmission Line . . . 2009/2010
Marion County Sewage Sludge Proposal . . . 1994
Rhone-Polanc Chemical Landfill . . . 1992
DuPont Hazardous Waste Landfill . . . 1992
Kanawha County Mega Landfill . . . 1991
Webster County Mega Landfill . . . 1991
Jane Lew Medical Waste Incinerator . . .1991
Wallback Medical Waste Incinerator . . . 1990
Barbour County Mega Landfill . . . 1990

Other Accomplishments:
WVEC Introduces “Citizens’ Energy Plan” . . . 2008
Net Metering Adopted by WV Public Service Commission . . . 2007
Created North Charleston Passive Park . . . 1996
Winner of US EPA Environmental Learning Award . . . 1990

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