Calling Aspiring Communications or Environmental Professionals!

OneWatershed is a FREE weekend training program for college students and junior and high-school seniors, September 9–11 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.

West Virginia Rivers’ OneWatershed brings together watershed groups and students interested in communications and the environment. Students receive training as communications and public relations professionals — and help watershed groups use digital media to attract new volunteers…


Learn more and apply for this FREE program here.


West Virginia Rivers’ OneWatershed brings together watershed groups and students interested in communications and protecting the environment. Students receive training as communications and public relations professionals by helping watershed groups create communications plans to attract and retain young volunteers.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • Fundamentals of Branding. Help a watershed group strengthen its identity so that its mission can attract children, young adults, and their parents;
  • Digital Media. Learn how video production, websites, blogs, and social media capabilities combine to attract new audiences for good causes;
  • Communications Planning. Your team will develop and help implement an outreach plan targeted at young people and parents;
  • Clean Rivers and Streams. Learn about WV and local rivers and streams as vital resources for communities, economy, and recreation.

OneWatershed weekend will help you build your future work or college entrance resume by completing an outreach project for social-conscience “clients.”

The Details

Six students will be selected to work with 3 watershed groups. Thanks to the support from donations, the program is FREE — including 2 nights’ room and meals at the National Conservation Training Center. Plan to arrive by 5pm Friday night; the program ends Sunday at noon.

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Updated: December 15, 2016 — 8:06 am

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