WVEC Action Alert
March 26, 2009
PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR HB 3000 – Imposing tax on Transmission Lines
When? Friday, March 27th at 9:00 AM
Where? House of Delegates Chambers
What? A Public Hearing regarding HB 3000
This is the bill to impose tax on electricity transmission lines.
Why? This is a Public Hearing on an issue that effects the giant transmission lines proposed to be built across West Virginia’s beautiful landscape. The Governor’s transmission tax bill would impose a B &O tax on every kilowatt of electricity flowing through these mammoth lines. All rate-payers, including West Virginia rate payers, would have to pay the tax through their utility bills.
This can only start a tax war with the other states affected by these lines.
WVEC believes that this tax, the proceeds of which would go to county commissions and the state – but NOT rate-payers, is a way to stifle county commission opposition to these unnecessary lines!
We are hoping that many PATH and TRAILCo activists will attend the hearing and we urge other WVEC members to attend in support.
If You Come: Come early, no later than 8:30 AM – you will need to sign up to speak (approximately 3 minutes). Bring anything written you may have if you’d like to submit that as testimony as well.
For more information, if you intend to come, contact WVEC lobbyist John Christensen at 410-499-4873.
Thank you,
WVEC Lobby Team