West Virginia
Environmental Council

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February 19, 2004

Dear Supporters of Clean Elections,

We have an opportunity to repeat our success of the interims, but this time we're focusing on the Senate Judiciary committee. On Monday, February 23rd, the Senate Judiciary is poised to vote on Clean Elections--Senate Bill 270 (Public Campaign Financing Act)! We were told that the committee will be meeting at 3 p.m., but that could change. Regardless of the time, NOW is the time to get phone calls, e-mails, etc. to key legislators.

Committee members who really need to hear from folks are Senators Fanning, Harrison, McKenzie, Minard, Oliverio, Smith and Snyder. Sponsors should also get calls that their support for Clean Elections is appreciated. Sponsors on the committee are Senators Caldwell, Hunter, Jenkins, Kessler, Rowe and White.

Of the 7 listed first (who are either currently "no" or "maybe") we only need 2 votes to get this bill out of Senate Judiciary. That would be a great victory for Citizens for Clean Elections!

There's no reason to change the strategy that worked during the interims. So here's that plan in a nutshell:

1. If your organization has an e-mail list, please forward this to all your members. Let your members know that these contacts to legislator can make a difference and that Clean Elections can help your organization's agenda in the long-run. Focus on your members in the districts of the key Senators above.

2. If possible, make personal calls to your members asking them to contact their Senator and tell them that a YES vote is very important to them.

3. Ask your member to call at least one person who they know will follow through to ALSO contact his/her legislator.

4. Attend the Senate Judiciary meeting this Monday, Feb. 23rd.--we think at 3 p.m.

Below are some talking points and contact information. Feel free forward this to anyone who you think can help!

Reminder: Our Clean Elections meeting is also Monday, February 23, 10 a.m. in the cafeteria of the state Capitol. We'll be huddled in a back corner. Hope you can attend and provide your input.

For restoring and revitalizing democracy!

Janet Fout, Coordinator

Clean Elections Talking Points

Under our current funding system it is increasingly difficult for the average West Virginian to effectively participate in our democracy and to make their voice heard above the special interests that finance campaigns. Comprehensive campaign finance reform is needed to reduce the influence of special interests in our political process.

Fewer than ˝ of one percent of voting age West Virginians contribute to campaigns leaving the door wide open for wealthy, special interest contributors to influence public policy. In West Virginia, many issues like better education for our children, greater environmental protection, and better access to health care for all our residents, take a back seat to the big special interests that currently fund many legislators’ campaigns.

As a taxpayer and voter, I would rather have my tax dollars subsidize elections instead of projects that largely benefit special interests.

Public financing of campaigns in West Virginia will decrease the public perception of corruption in our political system.

Public financing will decrease the amount of time that a candidate needs to spend raising money and provide more time for a candidate to talk with voters in his/her district about issues that matter most to them.

Clean Elections has the potential to reinvigorate democracy. This system would provide a candidate public funding through collecting many small qualifying contributions from registered voters within his/her district, making the candidate accountable to voters instead of special interest contributors

To Contact your Representatives on Issues:

Legislative Reference & Information Center
MB-27, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
304 347-4836 toll free: 1 877 565-3447

On Line: www.legis.state.wv.us

 Click here for a complete list of all the House of Delegates Representatives and Senators with their individual contact information