WVEC Action Alert

February 23, 2011

From WV Environmental Council, Sierra Club, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition:

Please contact the following Legislators (be sure to identify yourself if you leave a message) IMMEDIATELY - bills in danger of stalling!

Also please say that if no regulatory bill can be moved, we need a moratorium on new permits!

  • House Judiciary Chair Tim Miley - (304) 340-3252 Message: Move 2878! (This bill is first on the agenda at 8:30 AM tomorrow morning (Thursday)!!!
  • House Speaker Richard Thompson - (304)340-3210 Message: Dispense reference to Finance Committee for 2878
  • House Finance Chair Harry Keith White - (304) 340-3230 Message: Take up 2878 immediately if it comes to Finance Committee
  • Senate President Jeff Kessler (304)357-7801 Message: Urge Senate to move 424
  • Senate EIM Chair Mike Green (304)357-7831 Message: Move 424
  • Senate Judiciary Chair Corey Palumbo (304)357-7880 Message: Move 424 immediately if it comes to Judiciary