WVEC Action Alert

May 6, 2008

Vote "Green"

With the West Virginia primary election just a week away, we thought you might want to know how your Delegates and Senators voted on environmental issues during the 2008 Legislative Session.

The West Virginia Environmental Council has produced a report to help you find out: "The 'Green' Vote -- Environmental Issues at the 78th West Virginia Legislature."

This report highlights how elected members of the West Virginia Senate and House of Delegates voted on legislation dealing with important environmental issues during the 2008 session.

For a variety of logistical reasons, this report is not an actual "Environmental Scorecard" that gives legislators a percentage rating or letter score (like the League of Conservation Voters produces for Congress).

Instead, this report shows how individual members of the West Virginia Senate and House of Delegates voted on a set of important, and sometimes complicate, environmental bills. By looking at all the results, it is hoped that you will be able to get a clearer picture of a member’s support, or lack of support as the case may be, for the environment.

We hope you find this report helpful, and we urge you to "Vote Green" in the primary on May 13th.